Bachata is taking over!
za 6 mei 2017 - vandaag is het 07-03-2025
Bachata is taking over is the subtitle of the new album Colores recently released by Grupo Extra.
For this album Grupo Extra worked together with amongst others: Daniel Santacruz, Bachata Heightz, Mr. Worldwide-Pitbull, A. Rose Jackson, Voz a Voz, Kewin Cosmos and many more.
We recently had the opportunity to enjoy the spectacular live performance of Grupo Extra in Oldenzaal (NL) thanks to AC Latin Entertainment. If you want to see Grupo Extra live, visit them at the Antilliaanse Feesten on the 12th of August.
We will not go into details about the album. You have to experience it yourselves. You can order a hardcopy of the album through Most Wanted Latin Music at:
or buy the album through:
In the next edition of our Latin-Magazine Victorioso will go into details about the album. So stay tuned!
For more info:
Picture by Alexis Henriquez (
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