10th Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival
di 5 maart 2024 - vandaag is het 26-03-2025
The launch event of the much-anticipated 10th Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival (ASFF) is set to kick off with the gripping and poignant Spanish film "Calladita" (The Quiet Maid) as its opening feature
Acclaimed Spanish Film "Calladita" to open launch event of the 10th Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival
The launch event of the much-anticipated 10th Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival (ASFF) is set to kick off with the gripping and poignant Spanish film "Calladita" (The Quiet Maid) as its opening feature. This highly acclaimed film, directed by Miguel Faus, promises to captivate audiences and set the tone for a spectacular celebration of a decade of cinematic excellence.
The screening will be followed by Q&A with director Miguel Faus.
During the event, the full program of the 2024 edition of the Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival will be unveiled, including a get-together with drinks and Iberian ham.
"I am overjoyed that we will be celebrating a Launch Event during this festival edition, it will be an amazing moment to already get in touch with our audience and tell them about the surprises we are preparing for the anniversary edition. We are also extremely excited to be hosting Miguel Faus. The themes this movies treats are very fitting for our audience. It will be very interesting to hear the director dive into these themes during the Q & A and have a deeper discussion with him", says Bloem van der Linde, ASFF coordinator.
About CALLADITA / The quiet maid
Dir: Miguel Faus
Cast: Paula Grimaldo, Ariadna Gil, Luis Bermejo, Pol Hermoso, Violeta Rodríguez
94 min / 2023 / Spain / Drama
Language: Spanish with English Subt
Ana, recently arrived from Colombia, is a maid in a luxurious mansion where a wealthy family of art dealers spend their summer holidays. The young woman works from sunrise to sunset and without a contract, under the promise of decent conditions at the end of the summer, as long as she is discreet and quiet. But through Gisela, the employee of the neighbouring house, Ana will discover that things don’t work exactly as she has been told. She will learn to have a little more fun during her summer on the Costa Brava.
In 2021, Variety selected the director Miguel Faus as one of the ten Spanish filmmakers to watch. With good reason. “The Quiet Maid” is fresh, convincing, and strong with a great pace and plot. “The Quiet Maid” is also the first European feature film to finance itself by selling NFTs and subsequently win the Steven Soderbergh Foundation Grand Prize at the Sundance Film Festival.
About Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival:
The Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival is an annual event dedicated to showcasing the best of Spanish and Latin American cinema. Celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2024, the festival has played a pivotal role in promoting cultural exchange and the appreciation of Spanish-language films. For more information, visit our official website.
For media inquiries or interviews, please contact: Sarah Tekath, press@sinfincinema.com
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